Graduated in Law from Universidad Católica de Chile Law School (1992). He has completed postgraduate studies in Economics and Finance and New Criminal Procedure, along with various courses and training activities in relation to money laundering, organized crime, environmental crimes, cybercrimes and comparative criminal justice.
Since 2025 he has been Of Counsel at the HARASIC / BARROS law firm where he works as a lawyer and counsel in criminal matters, compliance and administrative sanctioning law.
Mr. Fernández taught postgraduate courses in the areas of criminal law and compliance at Universidad Católica de Chile Law School (2014-2015, 2020) and Universidad Finis Terra (2015). He has also given various courses and talks on organized crime, money laundering and white-collar crime at the Institute of Judicial Studies, at the Center for Justice and Society Studies of the Institute of Sociology of the Catholic University and at the National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies, as well as in international organizations such as the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP of Peru and the OAS; the Office against Drugs and Crime of the United Nations in Colombia; the Financial Intelligence Unit, Police and Prosecutor’s Office of Uruguay; the European Commission and the Council of Europe, among others.
He worked as a lawyer at the State Defense Council (1994-1998) and at the law firm Harasic y Compañía (1997-2001). He subsequently held various management positions at the Public Prosecutor’s Office, serving as Director of International Affairs (2001-2003) and then as Director of the Specialized Unit on Money Laundering, Economic Crimes, Environmental Crimes and Organized Crime, later called the Specialized Unit on Economic Crimes, Environmental Crimes, Cybercrime and Money Laundering (ULDDECO) of the Chilean Prosecutor’s Office (2002-2025), under the administration of National Prosecutors Valencia, Abbott, Chahuán and Piedrabuena.
Mr. Fernández has published in the Bulletin of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (2007), in the Legal Journal of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (2015) and in the Journal of the Financial Analysis Unit (2024), on topics related to the anti-money laundering system and its potential for the timely detection and investigation of public corruption and legal reforms in Chile in these matters and on the origin and consolidation of the anti-money laundering system in Chile.
Mr. Fernández is a member of the Chilean Bar Association.